If you have an e-mail address and you activate forwarding for it, all inbound emails will be sent to a third-party mailbox of your choosing. The sender won't be aware of this and he will send the message to the original address. This kind of function is useful in case you have a number of Internet sites, each with a separate email for contact, for instance. By forwarding all messages to just a single email address, it will be simpler for you to keep a record and never neglect an e-mail message because you have overlooked to check a specific e-mail. If you run a company, you’re able to use this feature to check the emails received by various departments. A further benefit is the fact that you are able to use an official email address for a number of reasons, let’s say admin@your-domain.com, and you can now get all of the e-mail messages sent to it in your private email address. In addition, you can forward email messages from one e-mail address to numerous ones, if a number of people should be involved in the e-mail communication.
E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Hosting
It is very easy to create forwarding for virtually every e-mail created inside a cloud hosting account with our company. This can be accomplished either while you make a new email address via your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or whenever you want later because the forwarding may be activated and deactivated for every existing mailbox with just a few mouse clicks. It is also possible to decide if a backup copy of the inbound messages will be kept on our servers, a pretty handy option. This can be a fail-safe if the remote email address is not accessible for some reason, not mentioning that you will always have a backup of all your messages. If this feature is not enabled for a specific e-mail address on our end, an inbound e-mail will be received and sent forward, so no record of it will stay on the server. When the remote email address is down temporarily, you will simply lose this e-mail.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you have a semi-dedicated server from our company, it will take you only a few mouse clicks in the Email Manager part of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel to forward the e-mail addresses configured on our server to a third-party e-mail address. Inside the very same area you will also be able to observe how many of your email addresses are forwarded and exactly where the inbound e-mails are going. It is easy to enable or disable a forwarding account whenever you want and throughout the process you may also decide if a backup of the email messages has to be kept on our servers or not. Although this option isn't a requirement, it is very helpful as you will get a backup of the messages on our end just in case that something occurs with the third-party mailbox. Even when they have simply a short-term issue, you risk losing emails as once our system gets and forwards an e-mail message, nothing at all will be kept on our end unless you chosen a backup to be stored.